The company
With the start-up of the BRACLUB GmbH in 2011 a company was founded that responds consequently to the increasing demand for strategic partners for all steps in the supply chains for the development of ladies Lingerie.
The founders Karl-Heinz Barth und Reinhold Burr are equipped with great experience, innovations, new ideas and optimal production structures, which enables them leading fashion labels, textile chains, such as well as young companies and Start-Ups – without any distinction made in quality or fitting.

The founders
Karl-Heinz Barth and Reinhold Burr concentrate their competences 2011, in order to set-up the BRACLUB GmbH in Heubach ( Baden Württemberg ) . They both gained their knowledge about the textile industry and the final product from decades of working for a well-known lingerie manufacturer in southern Germany.
Mr. Reinhold Burr is responsible for all competence fields regarding technology, design, innovations, product development, quality and production. Mr., Karl-Heinz Barth looks after all areas concerning sourcing, organisation, logistic, marketing as well as sales and distribution. Furthermore Karl-Heinz Barth is the contact person responsible for the Asian and American business partners ( cooperations and Joint ventures ).
Für das Kompetenzfeld Technik, Design, Innovationen, Produktentwicklung, Qualität und Produktion ist Reinhold Burr verantwortlich. Den Bereich Sourcing/Beschaffung, Organisation, Logistik, sowie Marketing und Vertrieb betreut Karl-Heinz Barth und ist zudem Ansprechpartner für die asiatischen und amerikanischen Partnerunternehmen (Kooperationen und Joint Venture).

Positioning and strategy
The BRACLUB company’s structure enables all technical possibilities in order to achieve a high-quality product, by focusing on the individual steps during the development process until process maturity.
With our own design and development centre including model studio and sewing rooms in Heubach, communication and development steps are shortened, which makes fast reaction times possible.
Own productions sites and joint ventures in Asia are a guarantee for “on time deliveries” and meeting the demands for economical requirements. Constant quality control, consideration of social compliance, observance of important international standards guarantees, social and economic conditions along all productions processes.
The direct connections to our own factories, linked with shortened decision-making routes, guarantee our customers solutions which meet their own high standards, as well as implementation of customers’ requirements, trends and innovations.
BRACLUB GmbH will support you with pleasure and with their complete know-how. You will benefit from our Key competencies – feel free to contact us.